Instrument That Contains Strings NYT: Crossword Guide

instrument that contains strings nyt

Have you ever found yourself stumped by the New York Times crossword, specifically the clue “Instrument That Contains Strings nyt”? Crossword puzzles are not just a pastime but a challenging endeavor that stretches your vocabulary, tests your knowledge, and sometimes leaves you scratching your head. The NYT crossword, known for its clever wordplay and tricky clues, often features such enigmatic prompts. Today, we’ll dive deep into this particular clue, exploring possible answers and offering tips for solving similar crossword puzzles. So, if you’ve ever found yourself pondering over this clue, you’re in the right place.

What Is an Instrument That Contains Strings?

Before diving into crossword strategies, let’s address the basics: What is an instrument that contains strings? The answer is straightforward—musical instruments. However, the variety of stringed instruments is vast, ranging from the common to the obscure. String instruments are those that produce sound through the vibration of stretched strings. These instruments have been a part of human culture for centuries, and they vary significantly in size, shape, and sound.

Common String Instruments

When you encounter the “Instrument That Contains Strings” clue in a crossword puzzle, the most straightforward answers are often the most well-known string instruments. Here are a few examples:

  1. Guitar: Perhaps the most ubiquitous of all string instruments, the guitar is used in virtually every genre of music. It has six strings and is played by strumming or plucking.
  2. Violin: A staple in classical music, the violin is a four-stringed instrument played with a bow. It’s smaller and higher-pitched than its relatives, the viola and cello.
  3. Harp: An ancient instrument, the harp has multiple strings and is played by plucking. It’s often associated with classical and folk music.
  4. Banjo: With its distinctive twang, the banjo is a five-string instrument popular in folk, country, and bluegrass music.
  5. Piano: Although commonly thought of as a keyboard instrument, the piano technically contains strings that are struck by hammers when the keys are pressed.

Tips for Solving the NYT Crossword

Now that we’ve identified a few possible answers, let’s discuss strategies for solving the NYT crossword, specifically when faced with clues like “Instrument That Contains Strings.”

  1. Consider the Length: The length of the answer is a critical clue. For example, if the answer requires six letters, “guitar” or “violin” might fit. If it’s seven letters, consider “banjo” or “piano.”
  2. Context Matters: Often, the surrounding clues can provide context that helps narrow down the possibilities. For example, if other clues suggest a classical theme, “violin” or “harp” might be more appropriate.
  3. Think Broadly: The NYT crossword is known for its tricky clues that sometimes require thinking outside the box. While “guitar” and “violin” are straightforward answers, don’t overlook less obvious possibilities like “sitar” or “zither.”
  4. Check Crossings: Use the intersecting words (crossings) to confirm your answer. If you’re unsure, filling in the surrounding words can help solidify your guess.
  5. Use a Thesaurus or Dictionary: When stuck, don’t hesitate to use external resources. A quick lookup might remind you of a stringed instrument you hadn’t considered.

Lesser-Known String Instruments

While the more common instruments are often the correct answer, the NYT crossword is notorious for throwing curveballs. Here are some lesser-known string instruments that could also fit the bill:

  1. Sitar: A traditional Indian instrument with a distinctive sound, the sitar has several strings and is played by plucking.
  2. Lute: An ancient instrument similar to a guitar, the lute has a pear-shaped body and is played by plucking.
  3. Zither: A flat, stringed instrument played by strumming or plucking, the zither is used in folk music across Europe and Asia.
  4. Balalaika: A Russian stringed instrument with a triangular body and three strings, the balalaika is played by strumming or plucking.
  5. Dulcimer: A traditional American folk instrument, the dulcimer has three or four strings and is played by strumming.

These instruments are less likely to appear in a typical crossword puzzle, but they are worth keeping in mind, especially for more challenging puzzles.

Crossword Puzzle Etiquette and Culture

Crossword puzzles, especially the NYT crossword, are more than just a hobby—they’re a cultural phenomenon. Solvers often take pride in their ability to crack the toughest clues, and there’s a thriving community of crossword enthusiasts who share tips, discuss puzzles, and even compete in crossword tournaments.

When solving crosswords, it’s important to respect the etiquette of the puzzle-solving community. For example, if you’re working on a puzzle with others, avoid blurting out answers without giving everyone a chance to think. If you’re using online resources or dictionaries, try to strike a balance between challenging yourself and seeking help.

The Evolution of the NYT Crossword

The New York Times crossword has a rich history dating back to 1942 when it was first introduced by editor Margaret Farrar. Since then, it has evolved significantly, both in difficulty and style. The puzzles have become more diverse in their clues, incorporating a wider range of topics, and the inclusion of modern references and wordplay has made the puzzles more engaging for contemporary audiences.

The clue “Instrument That Contains Strings” is a perfect example of the kind of wordplay that the NYT crossword is famous for. It’s a clue that requires solvers to think creatively and draw on their knowledge of music, culture, and language.


The clue “Instrument That Contains Strings” might seem straightforward at first glance, but like many NYT crossword clues, it has the potential to trip up even seasoned solvers. By familiarizing yourself with a range of string instruments and honing your crossword-solving strategies, you can improve your chances of cracking this and similar clues in the future.

Crossword puzzles are not just a test of knowledge—they’re a celebration of language and culture. Each puzzle offers a unique challenge, and with practice, you can become adept at unraveling even the most cryptic clues.

So the next time you encounter “Instrument That Contains Strings” in a crossword, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle it with confidence.


What is the most common answer to the clue “Instrument That Contains Strings nyt” in crosswords?

The most common answers of instrument that contains strings nyt are “guitar” or “violin,” but other possibilities include “harp” and “banjo.”

Can the piano be an answer to the “Instrument That Contains Strings” clue?

Yes, the piano contains strings and can be a valid answer, especially if the puzzle clue points towards keyboard instruments.

Why are some string instruments like the sitar or zither less likely to appear in crosswords?

These instruments are less common in Western culture and therefore might be considered more obscure, making them less likely answers for general crossword puzzles.

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